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salamandra: सैलामैन्ड्रा | |
salamandra atra meaning in Hindi
salamandra atra sentence in HindiExamples
- Very rare black salamanders ( Salamandra atra ) can be seen in higher areas.
- The "'alpine salamander "'( " Salamandra atra " ) is a shiny black salamander found in the eastern and Dinaric Alps, at altitudes above.
- The Alpine salamander ( " Salamandra atra " ) and several species of Tanzanian toad in the genus " Nectophrynoides " are ovoviviparous, developing through the larval stage inside the mother's oviduct and eventually emerging as fully formed juveniles.
- "Salamandra atra aurorae " is listed in the Annex II ( originally under the name'Salamandra salamandra aurorae') and Annex IV ( under the name'Salamandra aurorae') of the EU Habitats Directive 92 / 43 / EEC . As a consequence, killing, handling and disturbing these animals or altering their habitat are not allowed.